Sunday, December 12, 2010

Watch Face

Time to put my (non)talent in design to some remotely useful projects.
This is a watchface that I designed. The outside is 3 rings of pixels, each ring with 60 pixels. The outside ring marks seconds (the yellow dot is the actual marker), the middle ring marks minutes (in green), and the inside ring marks hours (as precisely as possible with the 60-pixel layout, in blue.) And if Mr. (or Mrs.) Buyer doesn't get the layout, then there is a screen in the center (either dot-matrix of LCD) that tells the time in digital format. The numbers are in the same color as their corresponding color on the rings, so the time in hours is blue in the display and the rings, and so on.
Why on earth would people care? One, it combines an analog and digital watch (both have strengths and weaknesses; combined, the only weakness is the $$$), and two, it looks like something those people in Tron would wear.
So, Whaddya think??

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