Sunday, January 30, 2011

Edible Food By Me!

Believe it.
I made an omelet with cheese, toast, and bacon that is actually edible.
No way. 

Friday, January 28, 2011

Vocab Flashcards

We're reading To Kill a Mockingbird in English right now, and my English teacher is having us do vocab flashcards.
The biggie: it needs pictures.
To show my visuals of words, to get more laughs, and because I need some doodles to put on the blog, I'm putting these up online.
Have fun!

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Reality Check

Another song! Sorry it took so long; I had writer's block.
This is based on a loop that I made before.
It's a little anecdote of a kid going from I'm-the-best to I'm-a-fail to I'm-what-I-do. A little to much of a fable, but whatever.

(Piano riff, Brass Background)
I want it all, I want the best
Skip all the falls, Skip to the crests
I won't be fake, this I can do
I'll take the cake, and eat it too

'Cause I'm a star, I am the best
I can go far, this I can stress
I am the fore - most in pure fame
I am far more, than just the same


(Riff + String Background)
Don't call me cool, don't call me great
My skills are few, don't know the date
Now, don't be shy, you know it's true
Go say that I, I am a fool!

I'm not a star, I'm far from best
That's stretched too far, That I must stress
I'm just one more, blank, faceless name
Yes, that's a bore, true all the same


(Riff + Either String+Brass or Choir)
Not in-your-face, not quarantined,
Maybe my place, is in between
I can't do all, but I'll do some
I may just fall, But I'll have fun

I may turn star, I may turn best
But I am far, That I must stress
I can fight for, a better name,
I'll open doors, 'till I find fame

Yup. Whaddya think?

Memorial Service, The Instrumental
This is the link to an intrumental version of Memorial Service (Note: I tweaked the name from Memorial Service (Memories) to just Memorial Service). I'll need Zhen, the singer in the band, to finish it up, and there you are.
I added a violin solo there. Pardon the absolute horribleness of my playing.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Meet Dr. Sci-Fi

This is Dr. Sci-Fi.
He's your average mad scientist. He wants to conquer the planet, he's got no care for safety, and he's got a massive lab with who-knows-what inside. I'll be doing a few loose cartoons on him whenever, circling around tech, geek-ness, and world domination.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Introducing My Dumb Beats

I'm working on a another project that goes in a different direction from Cracked Perspective. It goes by kidinthestudio, just like this blog. I have a few tracks online, check 'em out at
Pardon the pseudonym.

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Title!

I made a new logo for the blog. What do you think?

Funny Little Cartoon

I finished my English work early last Friday, so I made a cartoon on scrap paper.

Saturday, January 1, 2011


Another song that's not morbid...kinda.
This was SUPER HARD. But yeah, it's nice.
This will have a beautiful string loop.


See the stars, in the sky,
Little parts, of the night.
Twinkling, endlessly
Shimmering, blissfully

Oh, great star, how are you?
From afar, you shine true.
Far in space, you shine bright,
In a maze, out of sight

I let these, moonlit skies,
Banish tears, from my eyes.
All's at peace, in the night,
Not a crease, from life's strife

At this time, my pains flee,
Tossed aside, like dead leaves.
Night makes me, happiest.
Can't life be, just like this?

I'd sit here, for all time,
With no fears, of life's crimes.
There's no stress, no worries,
No sadness, and no tears.

(Violin Solo) Update: There is no solo.

Here's the sun, back to life.
Time to run, with our strife.
If only, life could be,
Just like the, night I've seen

But I know, for today,
Fear may go, but hope stays.
Peace can come, inside me
When night's a, memory...

Yup...Whaddya think?

Bye, Bye, 2010

Well, 2010 is over.
To the year, I say, goodbye, thanks for the bad memories, and good riddance.
I would hope that 2011 is a little better, but the reality is that probably won't be happening.
A little cartoon to greet the new year.