Saturday, December 25, 2010

Happy Holidays!

We're running out of coal these days, so coal prices will make it uneconomical for Santa to give bad kids the black stuff. So now he's going to give naughty kids wi-fi jammers... DUN DUN DUN!!!!!

Happy Holidays!

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Anthem of the Unheard

Another song! And not a morbid one! Amazing!
It's got a catchy little C major piano riff to go with it.

(Happy melody)
Sometimes I feel that no one can hear me,
There is no interest, far as I see.
I'm walking down Un-listened-to Street,
I might as well be talking to a tree.

Hello, hello, try to hear me please,
I might just have the answer to world peace.
But I'm drowned out by a million flocks of geese
Hungry for more than their rightful piece

(Chorus) (different melody)
No one seems to hear what I'm saying,
My friends don't get it, the leaders don't care.
I keep on talking to walls all day in
Hopes they'll see that I'm not playing
I keep on shouting 'till my throats dry
But it seems that they would rather try 
To not accept I'm here,  (In intercom voice) "Oh, hi,
But I don't care, so forget it, bye!"

(First melody)
Operator, do you hear me clear?
Is there anybody...out there?
Does someone listen to me, anywhere?
Does someone truly, honestly care?

(Switch to D Major)
But though I know I'm not heard today,
Tomorrow is a different time, may-
be someone will hear what I'll say.
'Till then I'll talk to brick walls all day,
(Final Chorus) (second melody) (Still in D Major)
'Till someone seems to hear what I'm saying,
They finally get it, they finally care and
I'll really talk to someone someday in
Confidence the know that I'm not playing
I won't shout 'till my throat's dry,
'Cause I'd know that someone will try 
To help me spread my wings and fly.
You know I'm not a pie in the sky!

(Chorus) (Back to C major)

You might notice the Pink Floyd reference. What do you think?
Update: I put the chorus at the end to smooth it out a bit

Sunday, December 19, 2010


To quote Pink Floyd, is there anybody out there?
Please tell me in some way beside my stats widget that people are seeing my ideas.
You can comment, click on the "reactions" boxes, or email me.

MoneyMoneyMoney, Part II

WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! My parents said that they'll foot my microphone bill for Christmas! I'll just have grab my mom a Christmas gift (My dad will be happy just to sit in front of the TV for the entire day.) and give the rest of my cash balance to her I'll give my cash to Dad and I'll have my mic AND any extra goodies to connect it to my parent's MacBook for my studio work!

So yeah, once that is all sorted out, I'll have a mic (a good one), and I can start some real work on Cracked Perspective.

Super happy.

Update, 12/23/10: The mic is here! Now I need a cable to connect it to my parent's Mac.
Update, 1/2/11: The cable's here!. Now I need to actually get around to setting it up. Me being my lazy self, that'll be the hardest part of getting the mic.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Watch Face

Time to put my (non)talent in design to some remotely useful projects.
This is a watchface that I designed. The outside is 3 rings of pixels, each ring with 60 pixels. The outside ring marks seconds (the yellow dot is the actual marker), the middle ring marks minutes (in green), and the inside ring marks hours (as precisely as possible with the 60-pixel layout, in blue.) And if Mr. (or Mrs.) Buyer doesn't get the layout, then there is a screen in the center (either dot-matrix of LCD) that tells the time in digital format. The numbers are in the same color as their corresponding color on the rings, so the time in hours is blue in the display and the rings, and so on.
Why on earth would people care? One, it combines an analog and digital watch (both have strengths and weaknesses; combined, the only weakness is the $$$), and two, it looks like something those people in Tron would wear.
So, Whaddya think??

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Memorial Service (Memories)

Man, I need antidepressants. Song #4, and no happiness in sight. Wow, kid. Lighten up.
I have a arpeggio-based piano riff for this, but my super-slacker lifestyle means that I won't be recording it for a while. And Zhen (the pro singer in my band, Cracked Perspective) won't be around for a while, too. So yeah, I'm only on songwriting for now.

I saw it on the news today
The saddest thing I've ever seen 
But of the aftermath I'll say
These wounds may never heal

(add light beat)
We see such pain in all we view
But just forget about it all
So while people lose all they could ever lose
We ignore them like broken dolls

The tragedies that come to us
They never seem to go away
But the memories they leave with us...these
Flashbacks of then, we never learn from for today

They say that once upon a time
People learned from their past
But now we disregard old crimes
Save for a flag at half mast

Right now, I feel the past is more
Than a history book paper
It tells of what we've endured
And how it could make us greater


(Violin Solo?)

(Different Melody)
I wish that in another day,
We'll the world's worries and say
"I've had it with the tears and pain
Let's work 'till only hope remains"

(Final Chorus)
The tragedies that come to us
They'll still come in our way
But maybe we can learn for once
So that tomorrow, we'll be better than today...

There you go. What do you think?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Over the Edge

Another morbid song. Woo. And there's more coming, too. I don't know why I can't write remotely happy stuff. I might have a sense of humor, but that's not going in the music; I'm not Blink 182.
This song has a nice little square lead in C minor; (after playing Jupiter, Bringer of Jollity, in an orchestra-I'm a violinist, if you don't know-that has become my space-war key) and is about a random kid's extreme paranoia. (Morbid? Yes. Scary? Likely. Will it sell? Maybe.) But enough pointless digressions. Let's get to the song.

I don't know what is wrong these days, I never can relax,
I see only anxiety, I'm surprised I'm not collapsed
Look behind my shoulder, my panic's set to "max,"
I feel like I'm stepping on a million sidewalk cracks

I cannot be my myself unless I'm safely out of sight,
I see someone that's to my left, I tiptoe to the right
I'm scared of all my fears but it seems just out of spite
I am also scared of telling someone of my plight

I must've gone over the edge
The fears possessing me,
Are slowly eating me inside
They are my end-to-be
I think they call it paranoia
but I disagree
I say it's called be being chased 
By ghosts that you can't see

Don't be offended if I doubt you, please just understand,
I'm scared of you and all your friends, the panic's all I have
I might look sane, it's all a game,  it's in my master plan,
To hide your eyes from the facts, I'm lunatic, I'm mad

(Square synth solo)


I think that I've been round the bend for far, far, far too long
So I've sent my plea of help to you in some kind of a song,
Help me before I decide I'd better pass along
So I won't have these specters haunting me forever on....


Yup. Morbid. As are all my songs. The problem is that political songs can get cheesy, I haven't had a girlfriend since kindergarten, and I don't have enough street cred to do those get-outta-my-way-puny-opponents thingies that rappers do a lot. So I write about people tearing themselves to bits Edgar Allen Poe style. That's my lame excuse.