Thursday, January 31, 2013

Flies with Chainsaws.

The first one I found yesterday, buried in my (wait for it...) math folder.

The second one I actually drew in math class yesterday. It's based on an old doodle, and has a funny backstory.

Last year, I was taking Honors Biology with possibly one of the most awesome teachers ever. Seriously. Sadly, he retired, but he goes down as one of my favorite teachers of all time. So he was teaching us about Thomas Hunt Morgan, who discovered sex chromosomes in flies. Now, my teacher used some creative liberty, and turned his story into a dark tale of a deranged, depressed quasi-sociopath on the edge of suicide.

Later in that class, I think someone mentioned chainsaws, and, connected it to Morgan in a twisted way, said something about flies with chainsaws.
And thus the drawing was born. I still have the original in a drawer. If I ever start another band, I want to call it "Flies with Chainsaws." Because flies with chainsaws.

Ah, 9th grade...back when school was actually kinda cool.

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

It's Wrong Because...

Once, some months back in math, I got a 3/18 on a problem set, despite getting all the answers right.

Apparently I didn't show enough work. Because I knew the material too well.

That came back to me just now, so I doodled it.

Thursday, January 24, 2013

After a Latin Test

Some lame philosophy-ish stuff.

And a tree.

I Can Haz Cooking Skillz

I wrote this a week back, but it didn't post then. So here it is...kinda late.

So we had some leftover uncooked paneer (Indian equivalent of cottage cheese) in the fridge. I figured that it got to go, so I cooked it up myself! I put in some paneer masala that was floating around and some fish curry that Mom was cooking at the time.

It tasted like victory.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Today I went to a huge Sweet Sixteen birthday party

And I kinda have mixed feelings about it. At some points it rocked. I had some great conversations, and just had fun.

At other times, I felt forever alone. I just walked in circles a lot, rendered more or less deaf by the pop music blasted by the DJ. The birthday girl, jesting of course, said something about her being the only person who can stand me. She wasn't trying to be mean, but it raised a good point: I am probably too "weird" for many people to stand for a long time.

I could list all my quirks, but I'll spare you the rant.

I'm probably taking that joke too seriously. I'm probably taking life too seriously now.

Yeah, sleepiness is degenerating my brain to the point of unfiltered teenage angst being embarrassingly fire-hosed online. I'll stop.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Bio Class

I saw stuff in a microscope in Bio today. I saw parameciums, euglenas (algae, in the pic), and A LIVE AMOEBA!!!!! Sadly I couldn't nab a pic of that.
School has its moments.

Math Class Sucks

My math class is stupid. I'm the only one that understands this stuff. Pre-calc is not hard for me, but it's seemingly impossible for everyone else. And that infuriates me. So I doodle. It's better than nothing.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Nothing is Uglier...

...than a bald man with hair.
Or so the Latin phrase goes. I had to draw that in a quiz. Much obliged.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

I iz Eevil

I drew this a few days back. I felt evil.

Moar ELA doodlez

I'm back, and still bored, and still doodling.

First one: I was inspired by an old doodle of a dude in argyle. Reading it's a classic preppy trait, I drew a preppy.

Second one. In a passage of Beowulf, I saw the words, "Mortal Combat." Cue doodle.