Friday, November 9, 2012

The Private Eye - Cornered Again

For once, the doodling was not done in school.
Instead, I was spurred on by a "conference call" for a volunteer job I kind of didn't want to do. I was bored, waiting for everyone else, when I started drawing the Private Eye hat thing. I kind of wanted to do more with that character in a more dynamic setup. So what was supposed to be a simple sketch on a scrap piece of paper turned into a full-color experiment in "depth"...on a scrap piece of paper. I'm actually kind of proud of if only I can figure out the comic-book style lettering...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

I'm BAAACK!! (For Now)

I should probably get back to updating this thing. 
So I will.
Anyway, while I was gone, I'd been posting doodles on Tumblr and Imgur.
Then I stopped using Tumblr (As a non-fanboy/girl, it was boring).
Then I stopped scanning my doodles.
Then I almost stopped doodling.
But now I'm back.
For what I have done since, here's a link to my backlog of stuff.
It snowed yesterday. I was in Latin class, I was bored, and I saw snow. Enough said.
Study hall. I was thinking of a private eye, a la Tracer Bullet. I showed it to a senior in my study hall. (It's all seniors this year, except for sophomore moi. Long story.) He said I should expand the idea. Maybe I will. But I'd probably redo it with a darker style, like the Tracer Bullet arcs. It's a bit bright for a midnight-Manhattan look.

Friday, January 13, 2012

"First Block Study Hall" - New Song!

So a few days ago, I had a first period study hall, and in an attempt to entertain myself, I wrote a song whining about it.
I don't have notes to it yet, but I always imagine it sounding like a Blink 182 song.

It's first block study hall so what do I do?
I have no homework and no deadlines soon.
My peers are studying for math tests feared,
But I don't study, so why am I here?

At least my iPod's in my back pocket.
Oh, never mind, the stupid battery's dead.
Why does this madness always happen to me?
Everyone else is doing something, it seems.

Maybe I'll doodle on a notebook sheet,
A parody can always interest me.
Five minutes later, my brain's still a blank
This class is cursed and you can take it to a bank.

                  Background                                                               Main voice
(It's first block study hall...It's first block study hall)
(It's first block study hall...It's first block study hall)
(It's first block study hall...It's first block study hall)              I don't want to be here.
(It's first block study hall...It's first block study hall)             Why does this happen to me?
(It's first block study hall...It's first block study hall)             What am I supposed to do?
(It's first block study hall...It's first block study hall)              This is really not cool.

(Up a key)
The bell just rang, now I can bail out of this box!
And I run out so fast I almost lose my socks!
Hooray for me, now off to science class I go!
And do that massive test I should have studies for...

Sunday, January 8, 2012

More Study Hall Doodles

What I have been doing lately:
I've been watching a lot of Vi Hart videos, and this one about squiggles inspired me to make a crazy squiggle myself on a Post-it during a study hall where I had no homework (then I got deluged the following weekend).
Dare you to stare at that for an hour.
I made the next two doodles a few months(?) ago, but they turned up today, so up they go! One first-period study hall (what's the point of that?!?!), I went ahead and drew up an idea for an epic muscle car. That bulldog front fascia had been in my head for a while, so I put a car to it. Then I went and put its profile on graph paper. The proportions are in no way realistic, and it'll be a while before I convince myself to get them right or doodle more. Note the AWESOME wheel design on the rough doodle.
